Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Saga Continues

So, as you can tell from my last blog (if you can remember that far back, if not, scroll down), I have been in physical therapy. Except I wasn't for a month. Because I got really sick. 

The Emergency room doc said I barely got there in time, as my fever was 103 and bottom blood pressure reading was 118. I was grey, so they said.

After treating the symptoms and getting my fever down to 101, I began to be "with it" some. It took a few days for them to figure out what was wrong. I had e-coli in my blood, which kills you.

They think it came from kidney stone complications, and I haven't even mentioned having them, have I?

Eh, never mind.

Anyway, I'm back in physical therapy, though I "back slid" some from missing out a month. Hopefully I'll regain and this pain will once again go away. The good news is I didn't lose any strength in my leg. I'm doing everything "all by myself" except getting in and out of the shower and driving. I still have to stiff leg it up and down the stairs, which is aggravating, but at least I can go up and down now.

Maybe the next time I blog I'll actually have something to talk about besides being so pitiful.

I certainly hope so. I'm starting to bore myself.